We had our first warm day in three months! It was almost 70 degrees! Ronin and I were both very excited.
For the last few days we have been working in the arena and then going outside for a walk. The outside walk is always VERY exciting....and involves some kind of airs above the ground. He even tried the "I am going to shudder and scoot when your legs touch my body, can I trick you into removing them completely?" He is young and full of enthusiasm....I would expect him to grow out of this the more he accepts my leg and the more we ride outside.
In our work sessions we are just working on the very basics. Basically W/T/C on large circles and on the rail....using only my body position (proper equitation) to communicate rhythm-relaxation-and stride length to him. My legs are close to his side, relaxed but clinging to him with positive tension, the thigh drops down towards his hock and my seat is deep in the saddle with my pelvis tilted slightly back when I am sitting-slow, steady, and close to him when I am rising. Upper body is tall, shoulders resting on my seatbones, my chin is tilted slightly upward....and last but not least my elbows are close to my side-relaxed and my hands are steady in front of my body.
I cannot stress how important this one simple thing is in riding: Equitation. I don't mean equitation as in "Heels down, shoulders back, heel-hip-shoulder alignment (not that those things are not part of it)". But equitation truly is deeper and more complicated than that. It is absolutely essential for your maximum effectiveness on the horse. And my "maximum" effectiveness I mean correctly influencing the horse....in the style and manner of classical horsemanship...
If you wanted to read further into this subject and you are a fairly knowledgeable rider with a need for theory I would recommend the book "The natural rider" by Mary Wanless or "Academic Equitation" by General DeCarpentry. The publiser (Tralfagar square) is very good and I am fond of many of the horse books they choose to publish.
I have to go to work now....I will finish this later....after another ride (or a few....:O) on Ronin!!
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